Code of conduct

Dress Code

Students at all time are expected to come in complete and proper school uniform. Neatness sets the tone of the school, the uniform must be clean and ironed, hair must be short and neatly combed, shoes must be polished. Students are forbidden to wear expensive sports or leather shoes or any other than the ones prescribed by the school. Students are not allowed to wear or bring valuables like expensive watches, gold ornaments, cameras and cell phones.

Regularity - Attendance & General discipline

All students are expected to reach the school at least 10 minutes before the time fixed. Late comers will not be permitted to enter in the class.
All students are required to attend the morning assembly compulsorily.
Minimum 75% attendance is compulsory for all students to appear in the examinations.
Leave is not granted except on prior written application from parents which can be done through the school handbook /diary.

School property and belongings

Care must be taken of the school property. Students must not scratch or spoil the furniture, write on the walls or in any way damage which is provided for their use. Any damages done will have to be compensated and students have to bear expenses for repair, replacement of the damaged property.
Students are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings.
It is not advisable for students to bring /exchange valuables or money.


Any student found resorting to unfair means and receiving and giving assistance in any form during Test/Examination will be given zero in the subject and a warning letter. Repetition of the same may result in dismissal from the school.


Students are allowed to converse only in English inside school campus except in language classes.

Health & Hygiene

  • A. Students should maintain high standards of personal hygiene. Regular inspection of hair, teeth, ears and nails etc. will be carried out by the teachers.
  • B. In the event of a child contacting an infectious or contagious disease. The Principal should be informed immediately so that necessary precautions can be taken to immunize other children. Before the child returns to the school a medical certificate stating that the child is free of infection must be furnished.
  • C. Children should carry non-greasy snacks in hygienic Tiffin boxes for mid-morning break. It is advisable to send a water bottle with the child. Both articles should display the child's name to prevent exchange or loss.

General Rules

Students are bound by the rules and regulations laid by the school.

  1. Students are not allowed to leave the school premises during the school hours without prior permission from the head of institution.
  2. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both in and outside. Shouting, whistling and speaking abusive language, running in the school building, insulting one another are strictly prohibited.
  3. Students are strictly forbidden to bring mobile phones, cameras, I-Pod, CDs etc. and crackers or any sort of firearms to the school. Serious action to the nature of dismissal from the school will be taken if found in possession of the same.
  4. Honesty is expected from every pupil. If a pupil finds something, which does not belong to him/her, he/she should inform the Principal about the articles found and leave the same in the front office. Pupils who lost the articles may also enquire about them in the front office.
  5. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, disobedience, objectionable behaviour and above all, discourtesy and disrespect to teachers are each a sufficient cause for suspension or dismissal.
  6. Handbook is to be brought to school daily without fail.